Edith Fikes was a Felton resident for many years. She opened the Felton library and worked there as a librarian. She was also a pilot when she was younger, and as female pilots were unusual her uniform was offered by her sons to the Smithsonian. She was survived by sons Tim and Bobbie Fikes of Felton, CA. After Edith Fike’s passing in 1991 her sons donated much of her ephemera to the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History. The donated ephemera consists of many photos, newspapers, plaques and letters, and writings of W.S. Rogers editor of the Mountain Echo, as well as a lovely photo album of Victorian Houses taken in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The album includes a photo of the Fikes’Home located on 52 Sunset Ave (Citation S.C. MAH Deed of Gift).