Guide to the Marcella Booth Stereopticon Collection (1950s) – Contents

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Two (2) Boxes

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of one (1) box of stereopticon views taken by Marcella Booth. There are two-hundred and sixty-one (261) stereopticon cards in this collection. The stereopticon view cards consist of two (2) photos mounted side by side on cardboard, thick paper, or photo paper. The photos are in black and white and roughly 2X2 inches. The collection includes a complete list identifying the scenes featured on each stereopticon card and located in Box 2 of the collection. Roughly half of the stereopticons have inscriptions of ’47 on them, suggesting they were taken at that time. All the stereopticons have identifying captions on the reverse. Stereopticon 83:1:34 and 83:1:35 (both of Rispin Mansion, Capitola, CA) were removed for loan in 1986 and are still gone. No stereopticons appear to have been assigned as number 83:1:97 or 83:1:98. Scenes are mainly of areas in California such as such as the Monterey Bay Wharf (83:1:7), Big Basin (83:1:26 and 27), and several of Yosemite (83:1:173-83:1:178). There are also many of California missions such as Mission San Fernando (83:1:75, 83:1:109 and others) and Mission Santa Inez (83:1:36-83:1:109). A few of the stereopticon views are of Oregon (83:1:242-244 and 83:1:261 and more), but the rest are primarily of scenic views throughout California.

This series is divided into the following subseries:

Subseries I.A. Santa Cruz 83:1:1-83:1:33
Subseries I.B. Missions 83:1:36-83:1:109
Subseries I.C. California Views 83.1.110-83:1:193
Subseries I.D. California and Oregon 83:1:194-83:1:261

Subseries I.A. Santa Cruz

Thirty-three (33) cards

Subseries Scope and Content Summary

This subseries consists of thirty-three stereopticon cards that are primarily of views within Santa Cruz County. In this subseries are cards 83:1:1—83:1:33. Photos are black and white and of areas in Santa Cruz, Watsonville (1 card), or Capitola (1 card) and one (1) of Monterey Bay. Photos in this subseries are primarily of Big Basin (approx. 8 cards). Also in this subseries are two (2) stereopticon photo postcards of “Begonia Gardens, Santa Cruz” dated 1952 (83:1:18 and 83:1:23) an three (3) stereopticons labeled “Mrs.Gradigs House 1950” ( 83:1:14,83:1:15, 83:1:31). Examples of some scenes in this subseries include: Big Trees, Santa Cruz County (83:1:2), Holy Cross Church and Rectory, Santa Cruz (83:1:17) and Hilltop Court, Santa Cruz, CA (83:1:4).

Box#: Tab #:


Subseries I.B. Missions

Seventy-two (72) cards

Subseries Scope and Content Summary

This subseries consists of approx. seventy-two (72) stereopticons printed on photo paper or cardboard. In this subseries are stereopticons 83:1:36-83:1:109. These stereopticons are of Missions in California, priests, or gardens at or near the Missions, or churches or seminaries. Some examples of Missions included in this subseries include: Mission San Fernando (83:1:75, 83:1:109 and others), Mission San Juan Bautista (83:1:69), Mission La Purisima (83:1:108, 83:1:74 and others), Mission San Juan Capistrano (83:1:78), Mission San Jose de Guadalupe (83:1:68) and many more. Churches include St. Francis Solano Church, Sonoma and others (83:1:71). Seminaries include St. John’s Major Seminary Camarillo, CA (83:1:63). There are also some stereopticons in this subseries not of missions. These three (3), two stereopticon photo postcards and one on cardboard, are of “Gen. Vallejo’s home, Sonoma” and “Gen. Vallejo’s Swiss Chalet, Sonoma” (83:1:79-83:1:81). However the stereopticons in this subseries are primarily of Missions and/or churches.

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Subseries I.C. California Views

Eighty-three (83) cards

Subseries Scope and Content Summary

This subseries consists of approx. eighty-three stereopticons numbered 83.1.110-83:1:193.This subseries consist of stereopticons primarily of views primarily of areas throughout California. There are approx. ten (10) stereopticons labeled “San Francisco Fair 1939”(83:1:128-83:1:137). Examples of some views in this series are : “Midway Point 17 mile Drive Monterey County” (831:110-111), “View of porch of Carmelite Convent, Carmel toward Pt. Lobos” (83:1:117-118), “Busch Gardens, Pasadena, CA” (83:1:138-145 and others) printed as postcards, and “Japanese Gardens, Hollywood” (83:1:151-157), Lake Tahoe (83:1:166-169), Santa Clara (83:1:169), Yosemite (83:1:173-83:1:178), and more.

Box ID#: Tab ID#


Subseries I.D. California and Oregon

Sixty-seven (67) cards

Subseries Scope and Content Summary

This subseries consists of approx. sixty-seven (67) stereopticons numbered 83:1:194-83:1:261. These stereopticons are primarily of scenes in California and there are a few of Oregon (approx. 14) The scenes of Oregon (83:1:242-244 and 83:1:261) are of Lambert Gardens in Portland, Oregon and dated 1949 and one (1) of Ashland Oregon Park (261), and one of Medford, Oregon (83:1:257) and Smith River, Oregon (83:1:248-249), Crater Lake (83:1:250-58 and more). There are also approx. two (2) stereopticons dated 1949 of Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada. Some examples of California views in this subseries include “Burbanks prize winning float in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, 1939” (83:1:195), Burbank (83:1:196-207), San Pedro, CA (83:1:216-217), Los Angeles Westlake Park and Lafayette Library (83:1:219-221 and more), Redondo Beach (83:1:228), Huntington Library, San Marino, CA (83:1:225) and more.

Box #: Tab #
